Ah, bliss. A bank holiday. Yay!

But there is always school *sigh* stayed at my sis' last night, ate a chinese with loads o' chips. Threw up and felt icky. You know the routine!

Well anyway. Not much has happened this weekend (as usual) I stayed at my gran's fri night. Got some new library books. Went to Newcastle got some more library books. And then....*drum roll* I went to see x-men 2!!! Wow! It's fab! And (anyone who doesn't want to know that Jean Grey dies look away now.. Oops)

Yeah, well she dies! Hahahaha! Never liked her though so that's okay. She dies at the very end and her eyes go all red and spooky *shivers*

But I have a new obsession Kurt Wagner AKA but in the Munich Circus I vos known as the Amazing Nightcrawler ^_^.

He's ace! I have no idea why I like him so much but I love him!! He has a tail!!

And I am so an Ororo/Kurt shipper now!! And anyone who disagrees will face my wrath!!! Cos... Well I can't remember what happened before but Kurt says that it's such a shame that one so beautiful should have so much anger! Aaah, isn't that sweet!! They are so meant for each other *sniffs*

Hehee. Oooh, and then cos I had loads of money left I went into Smith's.

I went up the stairs to the book floor looked to my left where the new releases stand is and screamed!!

I have artemis fowl book 3!!! Squee!! It's called the eternity code and it's fabulous. I would be working on the code right now If I hadn't lent it to ruth.

Yes well, not that anyone actually wants to know that ^_~

Well that's it I'm gonna hand over to the quizzes now *blushes*

You are Belle, from The Beauty and the Beast. Many
people consider you "odd" because you
have new ideas and don't blend in with society.
So what? You have yourself and your family and
that's all you need.

What Animated Disney Woman are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

yay! Does that mean I get to marry the beast? Yay!!!!! *pokes him* why won't he change back into the beast?! He's ugly as a human!!!!

WOW!! You must have a Disneyland Pass. You know
Disneyland as much as you know your house!

How Hardcore Disneyland Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

but I guessed! *is confused*

You are Belle! You live in a small village where
everyone thinks you are beautiful. You then
get into a mess and have to live with a beast.
Then you fall in love with him and he turns
into a handsome prince. Moral of the story:
Don't judge ugly beasts, they might be a hot

What Disney Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

why the hell do I keep on getting Belle??????

Ariel-You are the adventurous girl who can't stay
still for one minute and are in constant search
for something you might not be able to get.

What disney character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

yay Ariel is the coolest

yaeh well thats all toodles

