Aaaah, at last the exams are over!

We had out last three today. geo (i found it dead easy so i either aced it or have got about 2%), french (don't even say anything!) and then re (okay i guess).

YAY! i am so happy that they are over! they have been absolute hell! what with all the worrying about not revisin and stuff these past two weeks have been hell!!!

But they're over now so I needn't carry on being in worry mode.

I got up really late so i was wanderin around my room tryin to find my damned tie! but i managed to get dressed (big achievement for me!), not that I din't fall over like nine times and nearly break my toe. Again! but yeah.

so i went downstairs, put my blazer and bag on the dog and then went in to the front room to tell my mum im still alive.

well she mumbled summat and i said 'sorry' and she repeated....(drum roll please)......

'Your book is here.' at first i didn't have a bloody clue wot she was on about and then she pointed to the door and there was this big parcel there.

And it clicked! i ordered a book from on friday and it was estimated to arrive tomorrow so i naturally wasn't expectin it

but i have shatterglass! i am soooo happy! i've wanted it for ages! ever since i read the first chapter of it on Tamora Pierce's site i've wanted it!

And i managed to persuade my mum to give me her credit card *grin* and so i got it and i now have shatterglass!

I am so very, very, very happy! i was jumpin round the house and nearly knocked my mum out i was that hyper!!!

but i am now on *grabs the book* page 131 and i have only been readin it before school, at break and at dinner! ooh i am so happy!!!

the only problem is that it's american so it's a different type of cover and spine to all of the other books in the series, and so it's gonna look odd on my book shelf! wah!

but i have shatterglass *runs around screamin* yay!

but i've lost my fanfic disk! i can't remember where i put it after i wrote up the last chapter of what if. i remember lookin for it this mornin and not finding it! how dumb can you get! i really want to find it cos it has chapter 9 and thats when everything about how numair got to hogwarts is explained.

*sigh* what a bummer!

ah well i have shatterglass and quizilla to cheer me up.

ack i can't be assed answer any questions. I'm going to make my own.

*runs away to make a 'which tamora pierce character are you?' quiz*

nooo! it's raining! wah! i have to walk home in about ten minutes and its chucking it down!!!! that is so unfair! ooh labyrinth moment.

'That is so unfair!'

'You say that so often Sarah, I wonder what your basis of comparison is.'

god I love bowie!!! espesh when he's wearing his goblin king trousers. Especially tight goblin king trousers.


i really dont think im gonna get the quiz done by the time i post this so ill put the link to it up tomorrow!


