I smell, I'm mean, I live in a trash can and I
really don't like people. So just go away and
leave me alone. Your Oscar the Grouch!

What Sesame Street Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay! oscar rules!

Johnny Smith
Johnny Smith. But you knew that already, didn't

(From The Dead Zone.)

"What Stephen King Character Are You?" (Now Open)
brought to you by Quizilla

okay then im definitely gonna be staying away from taxis now :D!

You're Carrie

Which Stephen King Character Are You??
brought to you by Quizilla

*gawps* no way!

Charlie McGhee-from Firestarter-You're a young girl that has pyrokinetic powers because of government experiments on your parents.  People are always chasing you, and because you're different, they
Charlie McGhee-from Firestarter-You're a young girl
that has pyrokinetic powers because of
government experiments on your parents. People
are always chasing you, and because you're
different, they never really care who you are,
only what you can do.

Which Stephen King character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

aaw, charlie's cute! espesh when she's on her pony!

picture of snake

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Angry Goth
Angry Goth

What Kind of Goth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

uh, if you say so.....

you're punk!

How can I label you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Compie GEEK!
YOU ARE COMPIE GEEK!!!!! u love yo MOBO and its
1337 uber sound and video cards. 4 256 DDR RAM
make you 1337. U RULE lol

Are you a Computer Geek?
brought to you by Quizilla


well i now know who my dutch e-pal is, she's called jill and she likes elijah wood, and Lotr, (thank god) and she sounds cool. and she sent a massive e-mail!! it was really long!! gawd what the heck am i supposed to put in it then?

ah well, aw vrud i have to go to my nans tonight. but she'll probs give me some money for tomorrow so thats okay i guess! im gonna ask cas if she'll want me to babysit for ethan tomorrow night and if she does im gonna ask her for the moeny tonight so that i can spend i on a top (hopefully)

ugh, i feel all tired and just plain bored theres nothing to do really, and the fact that im gonna be goin to my nans soon really does not help.

but yay shoping for sum baggies, i can't wait. i think i might actually just get a pair of cheap jeans and maybe splash out on a new notebook or some new oil pastels (i only got them in april but ive used them so much that they're tiny little stubs now! eek)

gah i dont know. jeez i must be the only person who makes a fuss over what they're gonna buy *shakes her head*.

but at least someone other than my mum is gonna be with me, cos i just hate shopping with my mum! she acts like such an old fart sometimes and shes only 40 something! and then when she moans about my room im like 'screw you'. she groans about me never listening to her but when was the last time she asked me anything beyond 'will you tidy your room up'.

she never asks how im feelin, or how school is, like when i got the highest grade you could get in french all she said was 'thats crap', no well done! or anyhing. jeez you have to be one fucked up mother to do that.

oh well enough about that im getting bored about it.

ooh i went on a trip this mornin, it was really dumb and boring we wacthed a vid and it was incredibly boring and confusing. we're supposed to do some kind of safety video now to see whether we will gte into the finals.

apparantly we have to stage a fire drill and stuff so penny kept on askin whether she could break the little fire alarm thingis and then told us that she's always wante to break one! um yeah as you do!

but it was so funny though! we were back at school and penny asked the teacher if we could stay and work on the picture boeards for the vid for while longer and told the teacher that she hadn't done her english homework...

and mrs cooper walked past! (our english teacher!) i felt so sorry for penny she looked so scared! i really felt sorry for her

aaw, have to go now,


