ugh im iiiil. i feel icky and groggy and my head hurts *wah* thankfully though that means i get four days off school and sleep all day but i wanna go to school (geeky as that sounds) all ive got to do is talk to my sis watch nickelodeon (my love for as told by ginger has been remembered) or try to read before my head hurts so much i wish it would explode

however i have finally got my hannibal omnibus so ive been readin bits and bobs of it. so far melikes. ive gotten through half of red dragon. all of silence of the lambs and around two thirds of hannibal. howver, i admit i have flicked to the back of hannibal and i am shocked!!

the film is such a different ending. in both book and film clarice is at some house somehwere and they talk blah blah blah. but in the movie starling cuffs lecter to herself b/c shes was gonna turn him in. but he gets away anyway (he dislocates his thumb or something like that).

but the book they end up gettin it on and run away to southern america i think. or some far off pace cos they're seen by barney.

and i have alo found out there lecter has six fingers on his left hand, witchy huh? but again the films left it out which is stupid cos its the little things that make a film really good.

and the beauty/gunpowder spot on starlings cheek should have been inluded.

like i said its little things like that which need next to no effort but make the film seem much more truer to the books.

but ive probs bored everyone now :(

ah well. all of the nephews are around apart from nathan (so that means all of the nephews aren't round. you wouldn't guess that english's my native language would you?) and they're all actin mad. ethan had a bunch of grapes and threw a right little tarty tantrum when i ate a single grape!!

and i think george is tryin to see how long he can hold his bladder for. and cameron, well camern is being his adorable self. shoving his dummy in the region of my mouth, lying on his tummy in front of the telly and drooling, and then of course picking up buckets to throw around -sigh-

i had such a peculiar dream last night. i dreamt i was at school and there was a war going on, except the war was over bread. hovis wanted school to use their bread but we said we wouldnt and so they proclaimed war on us. how BIZARRE!

ooh, i asked my mum if i could pos get the spirited away soundtrack for crimbo and she said that she doesnt see why not *does the happy wriggly dance*

blegh, my throat huuurts. ive already had an entire pack of orange strepsils *shudder*

but hopefully i will be better for tomorrow cos cassie's takin me shopping for christmas pressies! i tell you the very thought of rceiving fifty suids will most definitely perk me up!!

well, hopefully.

well i g2g cos im supposed to be doing a jigsaw wiv george.

ta ta
