well, im back at school and have remembered just how boring school boringness is and how exciting home boringness is.

-sigh- i wish i was at home. in my bed all snug and sound. grrr. instead im here at school being incredibly bored. french was poopy as usual. and spanish was blegh, cos mrs kliment temple was doing french mock exams so we had mrs harrison instead. and she was nasty. with students she know shes oky, she lets us do our thing but she was all 'shut up, be quiet, lets have five minutes of silence please' grrr.

and maths... well that so boring i was almost in tears!!! plus mr luke popped out of the classroom and came back with mrs peake and then he left us all alone with the annoying little person called mrs peake!!!

gah!!! what a crap day! and my arm hurts!!! i fell off my horse yesterday cos he was being a right little bugger and playing silly beggars so off i fell. so my back aches (i fell flat on my back) and my arm hurts cos i fell on it funny.

wah wah wah!! poor me!!!

blegh maybe i do complain too much but ah well!!!!

im cold.

im going home in a mo so ill say g'bye.

